Friday, November 13, 2020

The Destruction of the Constitution

The Firewall of our Republic
In February of 2020 the Virginia House of Delegates passed Bill 177 moving Virginia away from the Electoral College system.  Del Mark Levine said, “Every Virginian’s vote should count. Anyone who opposes this bill opposes democracy.”  The problem with this quote is it flies in the face of the intent of the Framers of our Constitution.


They did not form a purely democratic form of government, but a Republic, or a Democratic Republic, as some call it.  The Framers, in their great foresight, saw a day when the more populous states could dominate the political landscape with very little voice given to the smaller states.  The Electoral College is the firewall that the Framers put into our Constitution to ensure that no group of densely populated states or cities could choose our President at the exclusion of the smaller states.


It appears that the Democrat Party has concluded that they can never control our national elections with the Electoral College in place.  Bill 177 in the Virginia House of Delegates starts the dismantling of our US Constitution. Either Delegate Levine and our Democrat lawmakers don’t understand the type of government our Founding Fathers constructed, or they do understand it, and they are intent on changing it to gain political power.  Either way, all Virginians, whether Republicans or Democrats, should be appalled at the destruction of our Constitution.


It has become very evident in the Election of 2020 the power that the Constitution has given to our states in electing a President. The battle ground for the defense of the Electoral College is in the state legislative bodies.  We must work here in Virginia and elsewhere to elect legislators who will defend our Constitution.

Monday, November 2, 2020

A Political Chameleon


Joe Biden: A Political Chameleon


Chameleons are lizard-like animals that can change their color according to the environment in which they are living.  Joe Biden is a political chameleon in that he can change his rhetoric according to the political environment in which he finds himself.


Joe Biden is a typical politician.  In the primary election cycle, he appealed to his far-left base.  When asked if he would end fracking, he said, “bingo.”  Recently, in the general election, he said that he would not ban fracking.  Will the real Joe Biden please stand up.  Historically, after Presidents have been elected, and particularly after their reelection, they start to show their real colors.  It will be the same with Biden because he is a political animal.


In 2016 the American electorate grew weary of politicians and elected Donald Trump.  Since Donald Trump came down that escalator in 2015, he has been the same.  You may not agree with everything he says or how he says it, but you know he believes what he says.  The American people are starved for authenticity in their governmental leaders.  They will put up with a few chinks in a person’s armor if they believe that he really means what he tells them.


The difference between the two Presidential candidates is clear.  Joe Biden is a political chameleon and will change with the political landscape. With Donald Trump, what you see is what you get.